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How to Hire Android App Developer in Dubai, UAE

How to Hire Android App Developer in Dubai, UAE

Today’s era for businesses is all about having high-quality Android applications. The app's quality and functionality can affect the brand’s online presence. To develop an impactful app, hiring Android app developers is crucial. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of hiring Android app developers in Dubai, UAE. But, before diving deep into the blog, let’s see what statistics has to say:

  • Approximately 6.3 million people download an app daily.
  • 250 million applications are downloaded each day.
  • A mobile phone user uses 10 apps per day and 30 monthly.
  • A Play Store has 2.78 million mobile apps for every niche.

Now that we have talked about the statistics related to Android app development globally, Let us dig deeper into the blog and learn about the tips to hire an Android app developer in Dubai, UAE.

Top Tips to Hire an Android App Developer In Dubai, UAE

Expert Android app developers in Dubai, UAE, offer the best solutions to your business needs, maximizing profitability. Hence, it is advised to hire the top Android app developers in Dubai, UAE. By using the expertise and commitment of Android app development companies in Dubai, UAE, businesses can achieve their goals. This will help businesses in the UAE stay ahead of their competition and achieve customer satisfaction. But how do businesses hire an Android app development company in Dubai, UAE? Keep reading the blog to learn about the tips to hire an Android app developer in Dubai, UAE:

Look for Experience & Expertise

While hiring an Android app development company for your business, ensure to look for their experience. Sometimes, it is seen that developers take up the project even when they have little knowledge of a specific framework, leading to delays in developing the project. Hence, ensure that you prioritize the developer’s experience in the specific tools and framework that you want to use in your app. Hiring a team that has knowledge as per your organization's requirements can help you achieve your goals faster. Hence, always ensure to check the experience of your company.

Hire Top Android App Development Company

Hiring top Android app development company is always a secure, reliable, and budget-friendly option. Choosing a renowned Android app development company can help you build more reliable solutions, as they are always certified and have worked for many businesses before. Partnering with an Android app development company can help you speed up the development process. App development companies in Dubai have a team of expert developers, designers, and testers who leave no stone unturned to create solutions that will help their clients achieve their goals. Hence, the most secure option is always to hire the top Android app development company.

Don’t Make Budget Your Main Focus

We understand that budget is crucial, but don’t compromise with the quality of development. Sometimes, to save money, businesses choose the most cost-effective solution. But it can harm companies in the long run, as poor-quality solutions won’t work in the longer run, making it costly for the companies. So, ensure that you only hire a team of Android developers that is reliable and responsible for developing the high-quality apps with optimized features and functionalities.

Review Past Projects of the Company

Reviewing the old projects helps businesses understand the development approach and quality of the projects that they have delivered in the past. By reviewing the portfolio, you will understand if they are the right partner or not for your organization. Also, it helps you dig deeper into their adaptability to project requirements, their coding style, and methodologies, and you can clearly understand if their skills align with your business goals.

Check Their Knowledge

Android app development comes with an open-source platform that offers developers unparalleled flexibility to create custom applications to meet user's requirements. So, it becomes essential for developers to have a deeper understanding of Android open-source frameworks and libraries. Hence, give priority to the companies that are active on these platforms or have a deep understanding of these platforms.

Take Feedback From Previous Clients

It is always recommended to reach out to the previous clients to understand how developers or the management interacted with them during the development process. This includes understanding the responsiveness, communication, frequency, and problem-solving approach post-project delivery. This helps businesses understand how effectively developers navigate challenges and maintain communication throughout the development. But, how do you reach out to their previous clients? Well, Clutch can help you in this.

Assess Their Development Approach

What approach developers follow must align with your requirements. Hence, before hiring an Android app development company, you must evaluate their Android app development approach and methodology. With approach, you should check if they fulfil your business needs, have the capability to improve the design, and can offer you the innovative solution in the market. This will give you confidence in the Android app development company in Dubai that you are hiring.

NDA and Security Agreements

It is recommended to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or security agreement before collaborating with Android app developers. Signing a NDA helps businesses protect their sensitive business information. Also, pay attention to the intellectual property rights associated with the app to protect it from any potential disputes in the future.
Discuss Post-Development Tasks: Before finalizing the development team, ensure to discuss post-development tasks including app testing, error fixing, support, and maintenance. Talking about these aspects before assigning the project to an Android app development company ensures clarity and gives you confidence in them.

Hiring Android App Developers: Types of Model

Hiring Android app developers can be a tedious process. Hence, it is advised to choose a suitable engagement model that aligns with your project requirements and the organization's goal. In this section, we will learn about the various engagement models that businesses must consider while hiring Android app developers:

Hourly Rate Model: This model is based on paying developers based on the number of hours they work on the project. Opting for the hourly rate model allows companies to adjust resources and scope as required. The hourly rate model is good for companies that have short-term or smaller projects.

Fixed Price Model: In a fixed price model, businesses first decide the fixed price of the entire project. The price is based on many factors, including the project's scope and changes. This model works well for companies with well-defined projects with clear requirements and scope. But this is only useful in the case of well-defined projects and does not suit short-term projects.

Dedicated Team Model: This model requires you to hire a dedicated Android app development team who works full-time on your project. The payment can be done on a monthly basis, offering flexibility. These kinds of models are suitable for long-term projects that need ongoing development and maintenance.

Outsourcing Model: An outsourcing model has third-party involvement in the entire Android app development process. This model provides the cost optimization and access to a wide range of skills. Furthermore, this model needs effective communication and project management.

Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Model: This model is a third-party model that the vendor develops and operates the Android app for a specific time. After that, vendors will pass on the ownership to your organization. This model is good for businesses looking to make their presence in the new market.

Hybrid Model: This model is a combination of various models that fits well with your project requirements. For example, you can use some other model, such as the Dedicated Team Model or BOT, in the beginning, and later on you can change the model.

Why choose ToXSL Technologies as an Android App Development Partner?

If you are a business in Dubai looking for the best Android app development partner who can help you uplift your business by offering you world-class mobile app development services, look no further than ToXSL Technologies. We are committed to offering world-class services to businesses worldwide. Our team of expert developers offers cutting-edge Android applications by leveraging innovative technology and the latest trends.

We offer various services to the businesses, including generative AI, augmented reality, virtual reality, managed cloud services, ERP software solutions, and more. By choosing ToXSL Technologies as your Android app development partner, you will get access to our expert developers who are focused on offering creative and interactive solutions. So, what are you waiting for? Choose ToXSL Technologies today and enhance your business exponentially.

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