jiOrder is one of the leading online food delivery marketplaces. It enables the restaurants to become visible online and allows the user to order their favorite food.
- 409.1K+ Visitors / Month
ProMIS.ONE is a simple and innovative all-in-one Online ERP Software Solution
- 26.6K+ Visitors / Month
Intelligent remote patient monitoring in the 21st century. Partnering with the platform improves patient outcomes by creating alerts to intervene in deteriorating patient situation...
Assay Biotech
Assay Biotechnology is a renowned contributor to industry-leading antibody production.
- 1.4K+ Visitors / Month
jiEstate is an Indian property and real estate portal which provides information on commercial and residential real estate in India.
- 3.5K+ Visitors / Month
This is a Real Estate Website which will empower companies and their agents to market their properties over the website.
- 3.7K+ Visitors / Month